Some Pages Are Still Under Construction 🔨

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Some of you may have noticed recent updates on my website. I apologize for any glitches you may have encountered lately, but it has taken me some time and effort to pull the basics together. If something isn't working properly, please let me know in the comments section below, and I'll try to rectify it as soon as possible.

I've been updating my website to add extra features while consolidating some platforms. One exciting addition will be the member-only pages. It will function much like Patreon, but unlike Patreon, it's FREE! 😀

Membership will grant you access to exclusive blogs and pages.

Another feature I'm particularly excited about is the World of Serendipity page, which will also only be available to members. This page will showcase visuals, glossaries, languages, and various histories from Destiny Falling and Troy. World of Serendipity will be organic and will evolve alongside Serendipity and the Freedom's Landing series.

By the way, fan art is always welcome. 😉

What makes the World of Serendipity page unique is that it is essentially my series book bible. Something all authors hold near and dear.

In the writing process, a book bible is a document containing significant information about a book or book series.

I look forward to sharing this guide to my series with you. Stay tuned and check my monthly newsletters or this blog for further updates. Thanks for joining me here on Lucy's Landing! 🛸